
Nationwide Protest Against CPK Projects 10.06.2022 1

When, at a time of climate crisis, the highest inflation in 30 years, the government is lobbying for the construction of a mega airport despite massive opposition from residents and lack of support from citizens, we must stand shoulder to shoulder. 

The area designated for the airport is about 8,000 hectares of agricultural land, forests, farms and towns. Local people will face displacement, loss of their livelihoods. But the consequences of these political decisions will be felt by all of us. These areas provide food for Warsaw, are an important buffer for the metropolis, cool the heated city in summer, and affect air quality.

Building this airport, at a time when we are trying to change our habits, when more countries are making climate commitments is an assault on health and life.

We must stand in solidarity with those whose life situation hangs in the balance and who are now fighting not only for their future but for the future of all of us. For this reason, we were present at the protest against the CPK project, which took place on 10.06.2022 in the municipality of Wiskitki.

You can watch the broadcast of the event here.